Declaration of SDGs
Kawakami Sangyo supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations and will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through proactive initiatives.

Puti-Puti is a product that is easily disposable, like plastic shopping bags and plastic bags. Therefore, we believe that we have a great responsibility to create environmentally friendly products, and we are working together with our customers who wish to live in an environmentally friendly manner. We have been actively using recycled materials for more than 10 years, and after year 2000 we started “loop recycling,” in which Puti-Puti and polyethylene products are collected and returned to Puti-Puti, which has now reached a workable level.
Based on our management philosophy to be a company that contribute to our customers, the global environment, and our employees, we will continue to make sincere efforts to solve social issues, including the establishment of a new recycling division in support of the SDGs.
Representative Director and President
Keisuke Yasunaga
As a company that uses air as its primary material, Kawakami Sangyo believes in changing the future by giving back to the earth. As a company that manufactures plastic products, we recognize the importance of our social responsibility, and all of our employees are united in our efforts.